Wednesday, July 22, 2015

11 Months

Little miss Avery is 11 months old as of July 14th which means that in a month she will be 1!!!  We are only a month away from our next Dr.'s appointment - I love going because I get an update on all your measurements. Such a perfect little peanut!!
Happy 11 Months

I LOVE this photo - so serious

Can't keep Brisco up there with you these days - plus i was flying solo this session

At 11 months you are keeping us BUSY.  You are trying to walk more and more pulling yourself up on furniture all the time but we just had a BIG moment with you on Sunday July 19th you started walking with your walker all by YOURSELF - yes i cried.  I can't believe how quickly you are becoming a big girl. You are babbling all the time, trying to stand up on your own without holding on to anything.  You have 8 teeth - four on top and four on bottom. You have made the switch to 100% solid foods and just had salmon for the first time last week and you like it.  Green veggies aren't at the top of your list but you do like peas.  You love puppies and reading and music.  You love to be tickled by mommy and playing peak a boo with Daddy, in fact you have learned how to play by yourself and hid your face! Such a big girl.  We signed you up for classes at Gymboree which you have so much fun at and usually go once a week.  You also are at the zoo often, we want to take advantage of living so close! 

Your days have remained pretty consistent

7am- wake up, eat breakfast, morning snuggles, play

9:30am - morning nap

10:30-11am - wake up from nap, get dressed - lately you love goofing around in your crib, having us chase you and tickle you.

12ish - lunch time, afternoon activity, walks, gymboree, zoo, park visits, swimming

2:30 - afternoon nap, SOMETIMES, you've already started to skip this nap which i can't believe.  Some days you just dont want to take it, others you go right down. 

4pm - wake up, maybe have a snack, help out around the house with Mommy or Rachel

6pm - Mommy gets home from work on week nights - we go for a walk around the neighborhood, go to the park take out brisco

7:15pm - bathtime, nighttime routine, bedtime bottle out by 7:45pm

We decided to have a adventure day with you, we made a picnic lunch and walked over to Lincoln Park Zoo and enjoyed lunch in front of the conservatory.  After that we walked around the zoo, You rode the choo choo train, the merri go round and watched a tiger walk around.  Then we went over to the petting zoo and you go to pet a goat, and see cow's piggies and some horses.

enjoying lunch with Daddy

trying to steal mommies sun glasses

on the choo choo train

You had the best time on the train

Looking at the tiger

riding the merri go round with daddy - he choose the panda

petting the goat

The next day we headed up to Barrington for Colton Unter's 1st Birthday party.  You had a great time playing in the little play set with all the little ladies

Daddies racing to change diapers. 

time at the park

taking Daddy's Hat off

Looks great on you

Peak a boo!

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