Thursday, May 12, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter was especially fun this year now that Avery is a little older and can really enjoy all the activities.  Well almost enjoy everything... minus the Easter Bunny.  The weekend before Easter we headed to the park for a neighborhood Easter egg hunt and party.. by the time we got there we were too late to get eggs.. all 5k had been picked up by big kids.  We headed inside for the party where we thought Avery might want to meet the bunny... however that was not the case.. just like Santa this did not go so well. 

Later that day we set up a dying station at the house for Mommy and Avery to dye eggs together. More mommy than Avery, since we are still prone to spills and Mommy didn't want food coloring all over the counter.  Avery was such a great assistant, telling Mommy where to put each egg, in what color

 Auntie Britini, Uncle Matt and Hunter came down that day as well and you guys were so cute together.  Avery was such a sweet little helper with the baby. It was a great sign of how she will be with her little brother, at least we hope.  We turned on Mickey Mouse and she was showing Hunter all the characters in the episode.  If he started crying she would rock the car seat to try and get him to calm down, so so cute.

Easter day! We had a packed day planned.  We wanted to wake up at home and have a fun easter egg hunt with plastic eggs we had hidden all around the house.  Then we let Avery go through her Easter basket and enjoy a bunch of goodies... the big surprise was her new play castle, which she loves! 

 After that we headed out to Barrington for some fun at the club for Brunch, the Easter Bunny who we avoided and an official Easter Egg Hunt.  They broke up the hunt for two different age groups. Avery was in the under four group and had so much fun filling her bag with eggs. She also discovered that she could put eggs in the putting green which proved to be way more fun than collecting them.  So cute even that she made the club newsletter.

After the club we headed back to Nana and Papa's house for some playtime and nap time.  Nana had Daddy bring up Mommy's old play kitchen for you to enjoy and did you ever.  Since you're still a little short you decided to stand on the oven to help you play with the kitchen, that and crawl in the oven :)

19 Months old

Avery was 19 months old on March 14th! How time is flying by.  Avery is moving and shaking more and more. Her vocabulary is getting larger day by day, new words to the mix are Pretzel, waffle, Paw Patrol, hot, brrrr for when something is cold and goooo when running.  She is also mimicking more and more.  She learned to sneeze into her arm, she can blow on her food if it's too hot, she knows when she is in the car seat she needs to have the straps over her arms.  She also loves a great dance party, even though she looks like Elaine from Seinfeld.

Avery has also started to develop her independence, which is a good thing but a patience required by all parties thing.  She gets very frustrated and slaps her hands on the ground when she can't get her way or complete something herself, but we are working through it and we allow her to react her way and when she realizes no one indulgences her she moves on pretty quickly.

To get Avery excited about Easter coming up we started hiding plastic eggs around the kitchen and family room, she loves walking around when she wakes up from a nap and finding them and putting them in her basket. She also loves sitting in the front of the house by the big window watching people and dogs walk by, she says hi and waves to everyone as they go by.  She got smart and brought her chair from the other room to be able to sit. 

I thought it would be more fun to watch some of Avery's latest funny videos of her goofing off at home and playing at Gymboree.