Tuesday, September 29, 2015

End of Summer

We are nearing the end of summer and the beginning of Fall - one of our favorite times of year! There's so much to do in Chicago and in our new neighborhood.  We are still getting settled in the new house after moving just over a month ago.

Riding in her car in front of the house

Avery has settled in so nicely to the new house, she LOVES having more space to run around and play in.  You can tell she does certain things in certain rooms; in her bedroom she loves to read, she picks out a book at a time for you to read to her.  She also loves rolling around with all her stuffed animals and picking out which outfit's she's going to swear or play with.  In the family room she likes to walk around a sort all her toys since there is no furniture yet.  She empties any bag that is left on the floor and refills it.  In the basement she LOVES running around and falling on the soft carpet, going down her slide and playing with Brisco.  He is starting to realize that Avery means food and treats, every morning after her goes out Avery now gives him his morning treat.

Reading Shoe - la - la with Daddy, currently one of her favorite books

emptying one of the many bags full of toys

Walking Brisco in the front


Trying to climb up your slide

Playing in her water table on the deck

Avery surprises us every day! She is saying lots of words; Daddy is our main word these days, Doggie, Momma (when she's upset), Ruff and has just started to say Duck.  She understands how to sign; more, please, thank you, and eat.  She is walking up a storm! She knows where her cheeks, nose, hair and tummy are.  She loves to follow us around and walk in and out of the the half bathroom and today out of no where flushed the toilet. She LOVES dancing and true to expectation loves 90's rap just like her daddy, girl has a beat down.

Her schedule has evolved too much and we are holding on to it as long as we can:
7am- wake up, eat breakfast
- If it's a week day play with mommy and then help her pick out her outfit for work - say our goodbye's lots of kissies and then start our day with Rachel
- On the weekends Mommy and Daddy take turns getting up with you, at 8am we all go for a walk to Starbucks with Brisco and enjoy our morning together
9:30 - morning nap
11ish- wake up, read, play in our room, pick out our outfit, have lunch and do some sort of afternoon activity. Go to the zoo, Gymboree, long walks, play dates, swim.
2:30/3 - afternoon nap - this is becoming harder and harder and you aren't as consistent with what time you go down but we will continue to try and at least have some quiet time on days you don't nap
4:30p - wake up, play outside and in the basement, maybe run a quick errand, eat dinner, go to the park or for a walk before bed time.
7:15 - bathtime, milk and books, snuggles and bed time

We had a slew of birthday parties this month; Emma turned one and we attended her party on September 7th.  Andie turned one and we went to her party on the 19th and then Chloe's birthday party on the 27th.  We unfortunately missed Chloe's party bc the whole house was trying to get over a nasty cold we all had, it started with peanut and moved through the whole house.

Emma's First Birthday Party

Playing at the party

Since starting work at Discovery I've barely used any vacation days so now the clock is ticking to burn through three weeks between now and December. I thought aside from the holidays it would be nice to take random days off to spend with Avery and really enjoy some mommy daughter time.  She's so much more aware when I leave in the morning I want to make sure I maximize every moment with her when I can.  On Monday Nana came down to the city and we went and had a zoo day all together.  We packed our lunches and had lunch when we got there, walked all around the monkey house, lion house, saw the Sea Lions but your favorite part that day was the petting zoo especially the Piggies! You did not enjoy the carousal or choo choo train this time, I think the noise was a little to much for you this time around.

Nana, Mommy and Avery at the zoo

Watching the Sea Lion together

Playing with the statue

Watching the Sea Lion under water

Looking at the cows

Avery's favorite animal that day was the piggies, she didn't want to leave that area

Riding the choo choo train with Nana

Petting Goats

Riding a Big Tractor just like her Papa's

Daddy started a new job this month at Beam Suntory! This ends the era of Daddy traveling EVERY week and being home every night.  We've already felt the joy of this change!! He takes Avery to the park at least once a week when he gets home, takes turns with Mommy to put her to bed and we have dinner together every night as well.  We are so happy to have him back home!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

More of Avery Turning One

We have so many amazing photos from Avery's 1st birthday week! Here are some more, mostly family photos! More to come from the party as well.