Thursday, January 19, 2017

Elfie's in Town

Last year was the first year that Elfie came to visit us, and Avery sort of enjoyed it.  This year Avery LOVED finding her every morning.... it was the first thing we did every day we came down - sometimes at lunch because Elfie sometimes didn't like to relocate till after naps :)

Gavin Two Months

Gavin George is two months old!! What a whirlwind these last two months have been.  We had our two month check up and found out that Gavin is 13lbs 9 oz 79% percentile, 23.5 inches long 74% percentile and his head is 16 1/4 round.  This month Gavin has started smiling and cooing so much more.

 It has been a little bit of a shock to our system, as Gavin is very different than Avery was as a baby.  Lots of crying, eating, fusing and a little sleep.  At about six weeks we started to feel a little relief, we had really tried everything to help ease you.  You have a tough time with gas so we've inverted you when sleeping and eating.. that does seem to help a little bit.  You've also started to stretch a lot longer at night which has been wonderful.  Around December 1st you slept until almost 5am!!

Your Bubbie and Grandpa came to visit the weekend after Thanksgiving to meet you for the very first time.

Taking a bath with Bubbie

Reading with Avery

Typical fashion, Mommy had you wearing holiday clothes the entire month of December bc it's my favorite time of year!

Sleeping on Mama in the morning

An adorable smile on December 13th!

Every year we go to visit our favorite Santa at Bloomingdales.  We learned our lesson with Santa from the club holiday brunch and talked a lot about him for Avery so she would feel comfortable.  We watched some Santa movies and showed her pictures.  She was a little skiddish at first but didn't cry and was happy to stand with him for some photos.  Gavin was adorable and just sat on his lap.  Avery told Santa that she and Gavin wanted Paw Patrol Juice - what an imagination.

Matching outfits for Santa

Nana came with us for Santa, three years in a row!

It's been so fun to watch you develop the last two months... your smile is adorable and you are such a sweet boy.   We started to get really into our night time routine with you giving you a bath before bed every night, you love being in the tub.  We put Avery down and then put you down right after - I wanted to start your bedtime earlier but you weren't quiet ready at this point, so i'm going to wait another month.