Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Halloween 2016

Halloween as a family of four! What a difference a day can make! I was so excited to have the kids in their adorable matching skeleton jammies it was fun dressing them up together!

That morning Auntie Britini came down to visit and meet Gavin for the first time.  She hated having to wait till after we got home from the hospital but she had a nasty cold and didn't want anyone to get sick.  She loved meeting you and spending time with you!!

Brisco wanted to get in on the visit

That night we got ready to go Trick or Treating.  We weren't sure how Avery would do this year, since she can be shy but we weren't going to let that stop us.  She was so excited to be dressed up like Minnie Mouse she was running around the house loving every minute before we left.  Nana came down to join us for Trick or Treating - we all wore our Minnie and Mickey ears and went out for over an hour.  Avery had so much fun, saying trick or treat and next house.  She got the hang of it very quickly... her favorite part was picking out her candy at each house.  We let her ride in her car and Gavin was in the stroller that Nana pushed. 

Our house all decorated for Halloween

Headed Home & First Week

We were released from the hospital on 10/25/2016 - I opted to go home after day 4 this time, i didn't want to be gone from Avery any longer! I think Dave was also very happy to get home to his bed as comfortable as the couch in our hospital room was.  Nana brought the car to the hospital for us and we all headed home. 

We got home and first things first it was time to meet Brisco.  He was so much more comfortable with the baby this time versus with Avery.... I think she broke him in and he's much more interested in babies now. 

Avery introducing Mickey to Gavin

Two days after going home we went to our first appointment, the Pediatrician for our Check up post delivery.  Gavin lost a bit of weight and weighed 8lbs 15oz on 10/27 and his head was 14 3/4 inches round.   

Avery was happy to have us home, it was routine as usual for little miss Avery.  Leading up to Halloween all of Avery's activities had the kids dress up in their Halloween costumes - so she wore it to Gymboree that week and had so much fun being Minnie for the day. 

Brisco was also very happy to have us back, snuggling with me and Gavin on the couch our first night home.

Even though we aren't sleeping that well, we wanted to make sure to do some fun Halloween activities as a family, we all went to the park together for Gavin's first outing.  We also had a fun pumpkin painting afternoon - Avery and Daddy made two pumpkins one for each of Avery and Gavin. 

Grumpy Gavinstein 

We also have started to have visitors, the first to come by the house was Jenny and Nick - they are so sweet and brought us a yummy dinner as well! They are expecting their baby boy on March 17th. 

Gavin George Walter Hospital Photos

The hospital uses a fantastic photographer who comes to your room to get photos of your baby and family.  We were able to time ours so that Avery could also be at the hospital for a few photos of the two of them together - they are the best of all of them!!