Friday, January 15, 2016

16 Months Old

Avery was 16 months on December 14th! She has become such a wonderful little toddler, as everyone reminds us she is so relaxed and easy to be around we are very lucky!!

16 Months old

At sixteen months old Avery is a laugh a minute! She has fully started to take on toddler tendencies and said goodbye to a lot of the baby qualities we are so used to.  As I think back to a year ago when she was only four months old I remember thinking how sad I would be when that stage was over, however it's the opposite - with every new age brings fun new qualities, features and activities and it has been such a joy. 

Sassy Moods at the park

Climbing at Gymboree

More Gymboree

Avery loves playing music with all of her instruments, she is shaking her head NO, she can point to certain things when you ask her where is the BUNNY, she is OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse both the stuffed animal and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse show as well as Paw Patrol. She has started to climb on her rocking bear solo and rock back and forth, Avery mimic's a lot, Rachel, our cleaning lady, Brisco, Mommy and Daddy. 

Playdates with Emma

Stealing Brisco's bed with Mickey

Putting Mickey in your old car seat - we have to be safe!

We switched Avery to one nap at around 14.5 months - she was taking a great am nap but not so great afternoon.  As we started to transition it really made a great difference in her day! 

7am - Wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, daily activity (gymboree, library story time, playdates)
12pm - lunch time and toy clean up
1pm-3pm Nap time, it's a window not perfection
7pm - Bath time, get ready for bed and story time with mommy or daddy
7:30pm - lights out

The weekend before we left for Florida your Uncle Mike and Vicki came into town for a visit.  We all went to trunk club which was a ton of fun! They loved having you there and you were a total ham, making everyone laugh while they shopped and even sat at the bar. 

Sitting with Mommy

That weekend we also went to the zoo because it has been unseasonable warm in Chicago this November. Vicki had also never been to the Lincoln Park Zoo so it was new for her. 

Looking at the Bear with Daddy

Vicki, Uncle Mike, Mommy, Avery and Daddy

I also don't want to forget the beautiful art that you made Mommy for her birthday! You painted it yourself and Rachel put in a wonderful photo collage of you.  Mommy has it proudly displayed in her office!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Getting in the Holiday Spirit

We returned to Chicago on a Saturday which allowed a full day on Sunday to get started on our holiday shopping and put up some Christmas decorations.  We stopped in at Barnes and Noble and discovered one of Avery's new favorite things to do - ride the escalator with Daddy. 

The front of our house all decorated

Living Room decorations

We also were so lucky to have Dave's cousins Reed, Michelle and Mallory Horowitz come and visit us while they were in town for their annual Radiology conference. It so wonderful to be able to squeeze in some family time with them, especially since they live in California.

Michelle and Avery playing in her tunnel

Our Neighborhood is so fantastic at doing things on our main street. This year they had a tree lighting ceremony, hot chocolate, cookies and caroling - We headed over to enjoy the caroling and tree lighting! 

Putting up her Christmas stickies on the window

Even though it's holiday time it doesn't mean Avery is her silly playful self. I included a few funny pics of her from the last few days at the house and at Gymboree class. 

The next weekend after Nana got back from Florida we headed to see Santa.  We've made going to 900 North Michigan a tradition and this is our second year going.  I wanted to make sure we got there early enough so we didn't have to wait in the line that we waited in the previous year.  This year we got their an hour early and to our luck we were First in line! Go Mommy.  While we waited we walked around the mall with Avery, of course rode the escalators and did a little shopping while Daddy stood in line.  I'd love to say that it was a successful visit but unfortunately Avery was a little scared of Santa this year and by a little I mean A LOT!!! Could have gone better, but that's life with a toddler :)

playing with Nana while we waited

See's Santa but seems fine

This is where we start to fade

Melt down

Full Blown

So unhappy

Starting to recover! 

All better

That afternoon we headed back to the house so Avery could take her afternoon nap.  Following that we walked over to Roscoe St for Roscoe Village Winterfest.  They had Rudolph, Santa, Frosty the Snowman, Sleigh Rides, a lite up trolley, hot chocolate in all the stores, cookies and so much more fun for all the kids in the neighborhood. 

Not sure how she felt about Rudolph either

Roscoe Village Christmas Tree

Avery's Christmas Tree - every morning she makes us turn it on before anything else

Walking along the side of the house playing with the rocks

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Thanksgiving & Florida 2015

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go..... That is certainly how we felt by the time we arrived in Florida on 11/21/2015.  After a ten hour travel day, of delays mostly sitting on the plane with Avery and Brisco we arrived.  It was a brutal day but both our babies were soo good and we couldn't have asked for better behavior given the circumstances.

we started out great.....

after we were asked to get off the plane bc we would be happier waiting in the terminal

still waiting....2 more hours just sitting on the plane

We finally made it to Nana and Papa's house at 10pm! What a day, the good news is given the circumstances Avery and Brisco were soo good, only a few meltdowns and zero accidents.  Other than running out of food and diapers :)  Our first day in town we headed to Skillets which is one of our favorite breakfast spots. We also went for a bike ride around the neighborhood.  That night we went to dinner for Mommy's birthday to a fish house, Avery was an angel at dinner and we had a wonderful time. 

Biking with Nana and Aunt Jane

Mommy's Birthday Dinner

The best birthday gift of all my little angel!

We spent the majority of our trip outside, going to the beach, swimming in the pool, going for walks and bike rides. There is a great store in Naples that rents all our baby stuff so we don't have to worry about toys, monitors or anything really. 

Avery playing with her activity table

Boat ride on Papa's new boat

Sitting with Captain Papa

Watching Paw Patrol with Papa

Have cake and ice cream for Mommy's birthday

We took a break from the pool and beach and headed to the Naples Zoo, this year you were awake for the whole visit and really enjoyed seeing all the different animals.  It's fun to visit zoo's in other cities since they have all sorts of different animals that what you are used to seeing at home for example alligators! 

Feeding the Giraffe

Feeding the birdies

Playing on the playground

We celebrated Thanksgiving day at the house, unfortunately Nana got sick the night before so Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Jane prepared the meal.  We cooked almost everything the night before and then we were able to head to the beach for part of the day while the turkey cooked.  Megan also was in town for the week so she came and visited us at the beach while we played. 

Playing with Daddy and Papa


Thanksgiving 2015

We visited the beach almost every day we were in Florida.  You loved playing in the sand, walking back and forth from the water and playing with everyone. 

Nana rents bikes every visit for us and this time we were able to rent a chariot for you to ride in.  You loved putting your helmet on and riding behind Mommy or Daddy, we went to the park every day we were there. 

We also had lots of fun around the house, Aunt Jane put you in Nana's laundry hamper and wheeled you around the whole, you loved it!!

Before the Thanksgiving break we were blessed with the arrival of Hunter Matthew Wilkens! He was born on November 19th 6lbs 4oz and 20in. I am so happy that i was able to go and visit with Auntie Britini and Hunter before leaving for Florida.  He is such a sweet little boy and we are so happy he is here!!