Saturday, December 6, 2014

Avery's 1st Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! We were so excited for Avery to celebrate her first thanksgiving.  Every year Mommy and Daddy rotate between spending it with each family so this year we were off to Minnesota. We packed up the car and left on Wednesday - totally prepared for a very long drive with lots of stop since it was your first car trip.

Avery all dressed up for her first thanksgiving

To our surprise you slept most of the way waking up to eat and play with mommy in the back seat.  Somehow Brisco ended up riding shotgun with Daddy, which was ok with me because I got to spend quality time with my little lady in the back.  You looked so peaceful sleeping.

Snuggling with your wiggly elephant

We arrived with just enough time to get you in the door, say hello to Bubbie and Grandpa and then it was bedtime. It was much colder in St. Paul than when we left Chicago, it snowed most of the drive there so we made sure to snuggle you up in a fleece sleeper once we arrived. 

Enjoying some snuggles with Bubbie and Grandpa

The next day was Thanksgiving.  It fell late this year which happens every 6 years as your Nana always reminds us from her days as a retail queen.  We headed over to Auntie Nancy's house for our annual Thanksgiving traditional feast.  She puts out quite the spread, first an appetizer round of treats and then the main course.  She doesn't spare anything and usually has 20 chaffing dishes out in the kitchen with turkey, ham, lasagna, salmon, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, mac and cheese, cheesey potatoes; I could keep going but you get the idea - LOTS OF FOOD. 

Avery and Mommy and matching vest

Mommy, Avery and Daddy

On Friday we had a full day planned; we started the day going to Lenny Lichtblau's house for a open house welcoming Andy and Lauren's Daughter Audrey - they also put Avery's name on the cake since they are about six weeks apart in age. 

Lauren, Audrey, Avery and Mommy

Avery and Auntie Susie

Auntie Michelle, Susie and Avery

That night we went to one of their favorite Chinese restaurants Shuang Cheng. Avery did so well at both events, we are so happy that she's becoming so versatile

Avery and Daddy

Avery and Auntie Nancy

Mommy, Vicki and Uncle Mike

It was so nice to be in town and spend some quality time with that side of our family.  Your uncle Mike brought his girlfriend Vicki home to meet everyone.  She is so nice and we really enjoyed getting to know her over the weekend.  We are looking forward to them coming to visit this summer, maybe around your first birthday party. 

It was a full house Bubbe's and Grandpa's with three dogs and six people and a baby but we made it work. Bailey got so lonely one morning he snuck upstairs to say hi to us.  You had an adorable moment with him. 

Bailey and Avery nose to nose with Uncle Mike

It's hard to believe that you're almost four months old, time is really flying by.  You are doing so much; smiling, laughing talking.  On Sunday night November 30th you rolled over for the first time in your crib on to your tummy and slept that way the whole night.  Your Dr. said once you do it to leave you alone but of course i flipped you back onto your back and by the time I got back to our bedroom you were on your tummy again.  Instead of playing that game all night I just glared at the monitor every hour to make sure you were breathing :) I also might have snuck in a few times just to be sure.  #overprotectivemommy. 

Such a great video of Daddy getting you to laugh

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